A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Boris is sent underground with the hopes of becoming the next prime minister, he must collect excess ballots stored deep under London to ensure his victory. 

Currently 2 weapons are available, one melee and one ranged. You will get assigned a random weapon of the two at the start of the game and you may swap weapon with coins by finding the rat-king in his golden-plated room and purchasing them off of him. 

Two enemy variants are also included, one being the basic rat-ling who can't do damage but aims to push things around and block paths whilst the bat fires pellets from a distance.

The map itself is procedurally generated using a BST-based room distribution algorithm, Delaunay triangulation, Prim's MST algorithm and a* pathfinding all combined to produce an interconnected dungeon.

This game was created for the Swansea University Gregynog Game Jam.

I appreciate any time spent messing with this poorly optimised excuse for a game and hope you enjoy it. (There are also issues like no restart since I was unable to get that part working, to replay a user must restart the game, sorry!)


BallotBattle.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

Run the EXE in the zip to start up the game.

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